Renters Advantage Loans
Ease the upfront financial burden of first/last month’s rent & security deposit requirements.
Apply and Make Your Move Today!
To start the process
Download the application HERE
Loan Highlights
Up to $5,000 unsecured loan
No closing costs
Simple application process
No minimum credit score
Great rates
Dedicated loan team to help you
This program is for borrowers who:
have a maximum household income of $85,200 for NH residents or $75,760 for VT Residents and
are located in the following areas: NH counties of Grafton, Merrimack and Sullivan; VT counties of Windsor and Orange.
To Apply
* Offer subject to income and geographic restrictions. Rate and offer subject to change at anytime. Limited time offer, may be discontinued at any time. Discontinuance will not impact loans originated prior to the expiration of this program.