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Express Home Loans


Getting ready for winter? Financing weatherization projects, upgrading heating systems and purchasing heating fuel, making repairs and renovations and more is easier and faster than ever with Ledyard’s Express Home Loan. 

Tap into the equity of your home to quickly finance the projects you're planning.

We offer amounts from $500 to $10,000, available up to 90% of your home’s value.*




This loan can be used for:

  • weatherization improvements
  • window or door replacement
  • roof repairs
  • insulation & repairs
  • heating system upgrades
  • new flooring
  • remodeling & renovations
  • ​other home improvements

And for life's needs, such as:

  • consolidate high-interest debt
  • finance an education
  • cover wedding expenses
  • and more!

Those who own traditional homes or manufactured homes located on owned or rented land, single family homes or condominiums may qualify.

Loan Details:

  • Only a $50 processing fee and no other closing costs!

  • Rate is currently 5.00% FIXED (5.80% APR**), with terms from 1 to 15 years

  • The annual percentage rate depends on the loan amount and term

  • Loan is secured with a first or second mortgage lien on the owners’ primary residence

  • The interest rate and monthly payments are fixed for the life of the loan

  • These loans are exclusively for residents of Grafton, Merrimack, and Sullivan counties in NH with annual income below $85,200; and residents of Orange and Windsor counties in VT with annual income below $75,760.

  • Limited time offer, may be discontinued at any time



To have a conversation or begin the loan process today, contact Ed Bidlack  or stop by any of our convenient financial centers.


Ed-Bidlack_new.pngEd Bidlack, Vice President, Senior Residential Banking Team Leader 

NMLS# 16682

Phone: 1 (603) 526-5606   |

178 County Road, New London, NH 03257


* Offer subject to income and geographic restrictions. Rate and offer subject to change at anytime. Limited time offer, may be discontinued at any time. Discontinuance will not impact loans originated prior to the expiration of this program. This offer is subject to credit approval.

** Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is accurate as of 1/3/2024. The 5.80% APR is based on an example loan amount of $5,000.00 repaid over 7 years with 84 monthly payments of $71.84. 

May be tax deductible, check with your tax advisor.

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