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Available Accounts

Transfers may be made from or to Ledyard National Bank checking or savings accounts, but not loans or certificates of deposit (CDs).

Transfers also may be made to or from checking accounts at other FIs, and possibly savings accounts. Subscribers will need to check with the other FI to ensure that Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions are allowed to savings accounts, as some FIs do not allow this. Transfers to or from loans or CDs are not supported.


  • Transfers out of Ledyard to other FIs - $3.00 per transfer
  • Transfers from other FIs into Ledyard – Free

Transfer Amount Limits

For transfers to or from accounts that you have verified that you own at another institution:
– $1,500 initial transaction limit
– $1,500 daily limit
– $5,000 limit for outstanding transfers at one time
– $5,000 monthly limit*

*Monthly is defined as a rolling 30 days, not a calendar month.


Clients using this service must have established account relationships with the Bank. Micro Deposits are limited to accounts at other financial institutions held in the client’s name or where the client is an authorized signatory on the account.

The external account(s) must either be owned by the client, or be one on which they are an authorized signer. The external banking account must also be located in the United States (an ABA routing number is required for the service).

This service is available for personal accounts only. Businesses wishing to set their accounts up for ACH services use a separate, more traditional ACH facility. Please contact us for more details.

Incoming Wire Information

The following information should be used for funds wired to Ledyard clients in U.S. dollars or other foreign currency. For assistance please contact our Call Center at (888)746-456 or reach out to your preferred Financial Center.

Wire notices are printed and mailed to clients at the end of the business day. Clients can request an email copy.  Businesses can arrange to have notices emailed in lieu of mailed notices.

Ledyard National Bank only processes wire transfers for existing clients. Federal Regulations prohibits banks from accepting wires under the following conditions: 

  • Wires coming in without an Account Number
  • Wires coming in for a Business Account with Person’s Name
  • Wires coming in for a Personal Account with a Business's Name
  • Wires coming in with Person\Business Name that is not on the Account
  • Wires coming in with an Invalid Account Number

Domestic Incoming Wire Instructions

Bank Name: Ledyard National Bank
Bank Address: 38 South Main Street, Hanover, NH 03755 
Routing\ABA Number: 011701987
Beneficiary: Client\Company Name
Beneficiary Bank Account: Client\Company Account Number

Ledyard National Bank charges a $5.00 domestic incoming wire fee. Intermediary banks may charge processing fees as well. *This fee is waived for Ledyard Private Banking clients and clients with Platinum accounts.

International Incoming Wire Instructions

U.S. Bank Name: Ledyard National Bank
U.S. Bank Address: 38 South Main Street, Hanover, NH 03755 
U.S. Bank Swift/BIC: LENIUS32  
Beneficiary: Client’s name, address and account number
Beneficiary Bank Account: Client’s account number

Ledyard National Bank charges a $10.00 international incoming wire fee. Intermediary banks may charge processing fees as well. 

Outgoing Wire Information

Wires can be initiated at any of our Financial Centers. Cut-off times are as follows:
     Domestic: 4pm
     ​International: 2pm

Ledyard National Bank charges:
     $20.00 fee for a Domestic outgoing wire
     $75.00 fee for an International wire in US dollars
     $55.00 fee for an International wire in foreign currency 

* Fees are waived for Ledyard Private Banking clients.

View and download the Domestic Outgoing Wire Form.
View and download the International Outgoing Wire Form.


We have ATMs at the following locations:

  • Main Street, Hanover
  • Corner of Park & Lebanon Streets, Hanover
  • Main Street, Norwich
  • On the Green, Lyme
  • Drive-up ATM, West Lebanon
  • County Road, New London
  • Route 120 at Old Etna Road, Lebanon
  • 74 South Main Street, Concord


Travel & Foreign Currency

Currency Exchange International, CXI, is a leading provider of comprehensive foreign exchange services in North America. They buy and sell over 80 foreign currencies, all of which can be delivered to your home the next day. By utilizing this convenient online service, you can securely exchange currency at Ledyard National Bank, avoiding potentially unreliable and unknown exchange houses in foreign countries and saving time in airport lines. Order currency here.


IntraFi® Network DepositsSM Service

A smart, secure, and convenient way to safeguard your large deposits with FDIC protection while earning interest and maintaining flexibility, another important service we’re pleased to offer. Valuable for both personal and business use.  

Ledyard is part of a special IntraFi® NetworkSM, which offers you access to multi-million-dollar FDIC protection on your large deposits while earning interest at the same time through the IntraFi® Network DepositsSM service.

How does the IntraFi® Network DepositsSM service work?

  • Set up a new checking account with our bank, sign the agreements and deposit funds.
  • Deposits are sent to deposit accounts at other member institutions in amounts under the standard FDIC insurance maximum of $250,000.1
  • By working directly with just us ─ a bank you already know and trust ─ you can receive coverage through many and get just one regular statement.

With IntraFi® Network DepositsSM, you can earn a return on cash balances placed into your account, make funds eligible for FDIC insurance, and enjoy access to funds—all through us, a bank you already know and trust.  Access your funds with unlimited withdrawals!

We are pleased to be able to offer you multi-million-dollar FDIC protection through this IntraFi® Network DepositsSM service as a smart, secure, and convenient way to safeguard your large deposits while earning interest and maintaining flexibility.

For more information about IntraFi® Network DepositsSM, please call us at (888) 746-4562. We look forward to helping you put your money to work safely!

[1] Deposits are sent to demand deposit accounts. The standard FDIC insurance maximum is $250,000 per insured capacity, per bank.


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